All posts tagged: nutrition

InfoGraphic on Top 10 Methods to Beat Aging

Aging, an inevitable part of life on Earth, but some carry their years better than others. Here’s a list of the top anti aging methods. You may need some help with some of these, like a gym buddy to help keep the exercise routine up, ozone therapy or massage therapy to reduce the stress levels,

InfoGraphic on Good Food for Work,

InfoGraphic on Good Food for Work

The old adage “garbage in, garbage out” rings true yet again, this time in relation to our work performance and the diets we have. Making small changes in the office can have huge benefits for a company, be it providing nutritious and healthy meals, having exercise schedules or detoxifying employees in ozone saunas, it can

InfoGraphic on Food Safety,

InfoGraphic on Food Safety

An apple a day keeps the doctor away… but not when that apple is rotten! Our best dietary choices might come to nothing when those foods aren’t acquired, stored, prepared and consumed right. The info graphic below guides us in our quest to preserve, prepare and consume food to have the optimal nutrient intake from

InfoGraphic on the Cost of Obesity,

InfoGraphic on the Cost of Obesity

Weight, the eternal struggle of mankind. Very few people does not have a weight problem of some sort, either because they are too skinny, or they want to shed an extra couple of kg’s. Many times these are unfounded and only a personal problem, but due to the lifestyle changes obesity has become a problem

InfoGraphic on the Paleo Diet,

InfoGraphic on the Paleo Diet

Over the years there has been a great uptake in “older” ways of dealing with your health and wellness. Herbalists are more popular, yoga became mainstream, ozone steam sauna therapy (view this page to find out more if you don’t know what it is) is practiced in greater numbers and now diets are changing to the

InfoGraphic on Weight Gain in College,

InfoGraphic on Weight Gain in College

A well known phenomena, the “freshman or first year syndrome”, where students gain weight when they start varsity. This info graphic delves deeper into the reasons and how different genders are affected by this. It’s important to note that this lifestyle is very unhealthy, and students should consider health measures to keep their immune system

The Kitchen Cheat Sheet,

The Kitchen Cheat Sheet

Because what you eat is such an important part of health and wellness, this info graphic shows how to store your food, what temperatures to cook it and much more. Enjoy! InfoGraphic Source: The Everest UK

InfoGraphic on Sugar Consumption,

InfoGraphic on Sugar Consumption

This info graphic paints a startling picture about our diets and the amount of sugar we consume. What is worse is the health risks refined sugar is linked to; obesity, high blood pressure, headaches and clogging of arteries just to name a few. It is important to monitor and reduce our daily intake of sugar,

InfoGraphic on The Organic Debate,

InfoGraphic on The Organic Debate

Organic products are cited to be better for a variety of reasons according to the info graphic, but probably one of the more common reasons are the issue about pesticides on produce. These pesticides and growth hormones affect humans negatively, but even if we switch to organic now, we already have large amounts of of

The Caffeine Poster,

The Caffeine Poster

Some countries will celebrate National Coffee Day this month, so we are taking a look at one of the prominent ingredients in coffee, caffeine. The poster below shows us which beverages contains which amount of caffeine, and just how much “jitters” we can expect when consuming these. Caffeine is described by various medical practitioners and