All posts tagged: cancer

InfoGraphic on Top 10 Ways to reduce exposure to Cancer causing agents

InfoGraphic on Top 10 Ways to reduce exposure to Cancer causing agents

Here’s top 10 ways to reduce your exposure to cancer causing agents. But what if you are concerned about previous exposure? Or if your busy lifestyle does not allow for you to make your own deodorant? Does that mean you are at the mercy of cancer now? Luckily a healthy lifestyle incorporates many facets, these

InfoGraphic on The Organic Debate,

InfoGraphic on The Organic Debate

Organic products are cited to be better for a variety of reasons according to the info graphic, but probably one of the more common reasons are the issue about pesticides on produce. These pesticides and growth hormones affect humans negatively, but even if we switch to organic now, we already have large amounts of of

InfoGraphic on What happens to your body if you stop smoking,

InfoGraphic on What happens to your body if you stop smoking

When you quit smoking the effects are nearly immediate, but it takes years to completely undo the damage caused by cigarettes. To speed up the process of returning your health to normal invest in an ozone steam or far infra red sauna. These saunas flood your body with activated oxygen (ozone) which oxidizes bacteria, viruses

InfoGraphic on How to Properly use Sunscreen,

InfoGraphic on How to Properly use Sunscreen

The sun’s UV rays, an important factor for life, creating crucial Vitamin D for humans, but also a cause of cancer and sunburn. Here’s information on how to effectively apply sunscreen to protect you from the dangers the sun poses. If you are concerned about the negative effects excessive exposure to the sun might have

massage, inflammation,

Massage Therapy as Complimentary Cancer Treatment

Many cancer patients find that using complimentary treatments, such as massage therapy, helps them tremendously in coping with illness symptoms.  Often, routine touch massage helps patients with colon cancer, breast cancer and mesothelioma address feelings of fatigue and depression. Recommended Forms of Massage Therapy According to the American Cancer Society, light touch massage therapy is

InfoGraphic on Workers affected by Mesothelioma,

InfoGraphic on Workers affected by Mesothelioma

This info graphic shows which occupations and how many workers are and were exposed to asbestos and the deadly mesothelioma cancer that goes with it. We urge you to seek help when diagnosed and look into alternative natural treatments as well. One of these treatments are ozone therapy, where activated oxygen is absorbed through your

InfoGraphic on Organic Foods,

InfoGraphic on Organic Foods

Moving to an organic lifestyle will improve your health tremendously, but what about all the pesticides and growth hormones that we are already exposed to and have consumed? How do we cleanse our bodies to “start on a clean sheet”? Regular detoxification of the body and lymph system is a great way to get rid

InfoGraphic on chemo therapy and it's diet,

InfoGraphics on cancer, the immune system and chemo diet

The immune system, our natural defense against virus and bacteria, but why don’t our bodies fight of cancer? The infographic below explains this phenomena and also a possible solution. Alternatively it is a well known fact that cancer cannot survive in cells with sufficient oxygen. Ozone saunas increases oxygen at the cellular level through ozone

InfoGraphic on Asbestos and the dangers it pose,

InfoGraphic on Asbestos and the dangers it pose

Few people realize the dangers of Asbestos exposure and little awareness is given to the victims. We hope this information instill a broader knowledge of disease it causes. Mesothelioma is a treatable disease, and possible treatment solutions can be found at Further alternative therapies for cancer include ozone therapy, where your body is flooded

InfoGraphic on Prostate Cancer

InfoGraphic on Prostate Cancer

Many research publications state that chronic cellular hypoxia (oxygen deprivation at cellular level) is the prime cause of cancer. Although the exact cause of prostate cancer is still unknown, it is safe to assume that higher oxygen levels in the body can lead to reduced chances of developing prostate cancer in the long term. How