All posts tagged: brain

The facts about Alzheimer’s Dementia

Alzheimer’s is a disease which mostly effects people over the age of 65. One in five people will develop this disease. Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease which normally starts earlier in life. This is called “younger/ earlier-onset Alzheimer’s”, this can happen as early as 40 or 50 years of age. Alzheimer’s is not a decease

10 tips for better sleep

The importance of sleep has been recognized as one of the three most important factors of healthy living. Exercise and good nutrition has always over shadowed other important aspects of healthy living. Finally, the spotlight has moved to sleep and the importance thereof. A lack of sleep has multiple side effects, these include; lack of

How Working Out can make you Smarter

Fitter Body, Fitter Brain. Straight to the point that exercise can be beneficial not only for your body but for your mind as well. When taking a more holistic approach the phrase to use is “Healthy Body, Healthy Mind”. When you are in a good physical state; no serious illnesses, no injuries and proper working

InfoGraphic on East vs West Medicine

InfoGraphic on East vs West Medicine

Times are changing, and access to information is leading to a shift from the well known western medicine to the “alternative” (Acupuncture, Reiki, Reflexology, Ozone Therapy, Homeopathy, Meditation etc) therapies of the East. Although many eastern methods lack clinical trials, many show clear signs of being effective. As the infographic states a large part of

5 Easy Actions for a Better Brain

5 Easy Actions for a Better Brain

5 Easy, everyday tips to improve your brain performance. Optimal brain performance can leave you feeling refreshed, happy and improve your overall wellness level. If you struggle with nay of these tips, get a friend to exercise or read with you, drink a glass of wine with supper, join a musical club or detox in

InfoGraphic on Headaches

InfoGraphic on Headaches

For some it’s part of their daily routine, for others it’s a rare occurrence; headaches can have a huge impact on your quality of life. This infographic explores the types of headaches and some quick solutions, although an important solution was not listed. Headaches can be caused or worsen by a lack of oxygen, thus

InfoGraphic on Fighting Workplace Woes - on the job training,

InfoGraphic on Fighting Workplace Woes – on the job training

The last few posts we shared touched on workplace absenteeism, workplace conflict and loss in productivity, today we look at one aspect that can assist to reduce or rectify those problems. The info graphic below looks at on the job training to combat these workplace woes. Although this targets the mind aspect of unhappiness, the

InfoGraphic on Restricting Social Media at Work,

InfoGraphic on Restricting Social Media at Work

The modern, always-on always-connected world has created new diseases; like FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and created new addictions; like being addicted to Facebook or social media. Although these can be severe, many people might have slighter inclinations to these addictions and diseases, and might want to know what is happening with friends and family,

InfoGraphic on the Good Grade Pills,

InfoGraphic on the Good Grade Pills

Many students are under pressure from peers, parents and maybe even financiers to do well in their studies, as the info graphic shows they will use stimulants to boost their performance. But these drugs can have harmful and dangerous consequences, so what do they do once they have used it and want to stop? One

Can a Degree help you Live Longer,

Can a Degree help you Live Longer

Many people will fail to see the correlation immediately, but education opens up the mind to healthy balanced lifestyles. Educated people often exercise more, are more involved in their dietary choices and can often afford alternative health treatments such as yoga, massage therapy, ozone therapy, aromatherapy etc. Due to their higher income they can also