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Reasons why you should start meditating today!

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Meditation is a prehistoric concept which involved repetitive and rhythmic chants or “Mantras”. The first documented meditation came from the Hindu religion dating back to 1500 BC. Other cultures who embraced meditation were the rest of India, China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea and Israel.

Today, meditation is frowned upon in some Christian countries as it is seen as an Eastern/ Buddhist thing to do. This is far from the truth, meditation is present in The Bible – Joshua 1:8 – “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

I personally believe that mediation is what you make of it. You can meditate on negative things for example revenge, bad fortune for others, evil spirits and chaos. But you can also meditate on good things like your religion (what ever it might be), health, wellness, success, growth, self improvement and energy.

Meditation can do wonders for your health. We live in a very fast paced world and do we seldomly have time to focus on a specific thing or improve our situation. Most of us just go with it and then one day we open our eyes and wonder what happened. Daily meditation can help you see clearly and be observant of thing that are falling through the cracks. Below is and InfoGraphic which gives you 10 science based reasons to start meditating today.

To improve your concentration and double the benefits of daily meditation you can opt for Ozone Therapy. Regular sessions of Ozone Therapy may decrease anxiety, depression, stress, chronic fatigue and can improve or even prevent memory loss, heart attack, Alzheimer’s disease, hormonal problems, insomnia, IBS and poor blood circulation.

Will you be improving your wellness?

Reasons why you should start meditating today

EditorReasons why you should start meditating today!

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